Saturday, September 4, 2010

Why Lenses and What Are They?

I had thought about writing a book, but a wise author I know advised me to start with a blog.  With a blog, I can work out my thoughts in small chunks, plus enter into conversations with people around the world to refine my ideas, build on the good and scrap the junk.  I hope this concept of lenses opens communication between people with various backgrounds and experiences.  The reality is that we all see life, faith, culture, politics, etc. through complex lenses based on our upbringing, geography, education and more.

So let me start by defining lenses.  Lenses are how we filter and understand information and experiences based on our worldview.  Lenses will color our definition of what is normal, what is right or wrong, and why we believe things are they way they are.

The main challenge with even starting this blog is that lenses are very subjective and no two people will view life through the exact same lenses, even if they often agree.  But understanding our lenses can help us to communicate with others, and recognize that their lens might be different than ours.  With that recognition, we can start to understand each other more as well.

When I think of lenses in this context, I remember the movie National Treasure.  Ben Gates (played by Nicholas Cage) finds a set of glasses that belonged to Ben Franklin.  These glasses had several movable lenses that uncovered secret writing on the back of the Declaration of Independence.  As each lens came into place, different pieces of the puzzle came into focus.  I think looking at our lenses will have similar outcomes, helping us to understand why we see the world as we do.

In looking at lenses, I will mention many that apply to me and know that they won't apply to everyone.  There will be some lenses I recognize in others that won't apply to me, too.  Some lenses will have an obvious parallel which I will use to name and describe them.  Others, not so much, so we'll just name those as we go.  My goal will be one blog post per week, unless I'm feeling extra inspired.  I'm looking forward to the conversation.  Thanks for being a part!

1 comment:

  1. Does anyone know WHEN moveable lenses were first used on spectacles/glasses? Jewelers, Printers, Scientists etc would have used them.
